Friday, April 29, 2011

Finally the Wedding Update You've all Been Waiting For!!!

The Wedding went great! We were able to rent a car which was SAWEET!!! It was a black Dodge Charger. My mom was able to come to the sealing and be my escort for my endowment. It was the neatest experience. My Grandmas were all there, most of my Grandpa's, most of my siblings, and few of my friends and old ward members! It was awesome! At the reception almost all of my siblings were there...all except for one! That is AMAZING for my family! haha! The only thing that worried me at the reception was that the cake was late...but it all turned out fine in the end. The decorations were beautiful, thanks to my stepmom, Terry. And our hotel was AWESOME thanks to Tyler's mom and cousins. They definitely made it fun! Our hotel room was all decorated with tinsel and rose pedals all over the floor and bed. There was sparkling cider and to wine glasses on the coffee table, and chocolate on our bed, as well as a "goody" basket on the nightstand. We felt so grown up being there by ourselves! haha! We were sooo exhausted by the end of the weekend! It was so much fun to see all of my family though and I even had some of my younger high school friends, take time out of their day getting ready for prom, to come see me at my reception! I definitely felt like royalty that day. I had so much help from my friends and family. Thank you to all who made it and to those who didn't that sent best wishes our way. It's all really appreciated! Here are some of my favorite pictures!
Kayla, Kara, Me, Jana

Tyler's Siblings (Brittany is there in spirit)
Nathan, Tyler, Kayla, (Brittany)

Tyler and His Best Friend, Steven

My mom, Kimi, and I

Jen, Me, Kamille

I just LOVE having a picture with my mom and dad together with me. 

Daddy-Daughter Love

This is such a cool effect!

Kayla's idea turned out REALLY cute!

"Why Don't We Just Dance?"

Kalten and I...Still can't believe he is taller than me!

I got him SO good!

He missed...the cake's on my shoulder! haha!

Yeah...I wasn't finished...I got him AGAIN!

Kiss and Make Up? :P

Raimey Bug! I love her!!!

My little Niece, Raimey.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

It's Been a While!

Sorry it's been so long! My computer is pretty much dead to me. The charger is broken and the battery is pretty much dead. So I need a charger for it to I've have to use the library or Tyler's computer. ANYWAYS!!! There are only 5 DAYS until I am married to the love of my life. I am SO excited! I can't wait to see all my friends and family, especially the ones I don't get to see very often. I will also get to meet more of his family! I am SO excited for my  mom to come down here to be with me. She gets here on Thursday morning! YAY! I get to to move into my new apartment on Wednesday which I am super excited about too! So many changes coming up! It's so exciting! I will also be getting a camera soon so this blog will become much more exciting. :) .......Until next time!