Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Adventures in Narnia

Today was a BEAUTIFUL day here in Rexburg! After a REALLY nasty day of weather yesterday, I am very grateful. Tyler got off work a little early today, and I was done with classes earlier than normal cause my English class is cancelled til next Wednesday. So after printing off my English paper and running to the ATM, we decided to go walk around at the Gardens. They are putting some new things in that weren't there last year and it is looking really nice. I ran into one of my old friends while taking pictures too! (There are pictures of really cool rocks!) Anyway, after checking out the new stuff, we went over to the part where there is a waterfall and a pond. There was a lone mallard duck there just chillin. We thought he was so cool. I started making duck noises at him (kinda like spitting with your hand in a fist over your mouth..and without the spit part). Tyler decided he'd try! He caught on really fast, and found his inner duck. :) He would go around to different sides of the pond and make the sounds and the duck would follow the sound and quack back at Tyler. It was SO funny! So I, of course, had to take some pictures...until Tyler's mouth got tired. :) It's hard work quacking like a duck! Anyway, it was nice to be able to relax and do that together. I think we will do it more often, if the weather permits. :) Have a wonderful day and I hope you all have a fantastic Memorial Day Weekend! Love you all!

Frog Rock :D

Face Rock!


Old looks cool.

I think the walls are awesome!

Another cool Rock!

The duck is now famous. :)

Mr. Cool Duck

Listening to Tyler quack

What was that?

I wanted to get Tyler and the duck both in the picture. :)

He's so pretty!!!

Ok now smile! :)

I thought this would be a good is!

I love the Gardens!

Goodbye Mr. Cool Duck!