Friday, May 13, 2011

Married Life

I am loving being married more and more. I love getting to see him everyday. I love not having to say goodbye to him at night. I love our conversations. I am just loving it! I finally have pictures of our cute little apartment (even if the kitchen does suck).

From the door of bedroom (bed is on the right)



Living Room

Dining "room"


Other side of Living Room

Tyler's study room

It's been working really well for us. We absolutely LOVE our ward. We actually moved into the ward, and then 2 weeks later, they switched ward boundaries. We get to keep most of our last ward though. :) I have already met so many great people. It's so much fun! 
Tyler is still working at Opinionology, a survey call center, but might be getting a job at the fire station as a receptionist...but that is still up in the air. To us, any job other than what he is doing now will be more satisfying for him. I'm just doing schoolwork all the time. I usually have all of my work done by the time I get home which is nice. We have started going to the temple every Friday before date's kinda become part of date night. :) I love it. We are still holding strong and working out differences, and I love learning about him and about us everyday. We become stronger everyday and more in love everyday. Thank you to all for your support and help you have given us. 
Love Always!


  1. Hey now, that kitchen is a whole lot better than the one Dan and I had at our first place after we got married! I love that you guys are going to the temple every week. Dan and I did that for our first year as well. Without fail we'd go every weekend until we had kids. Then it got to be a bit more of a challenge. Happy Marriage!

  2. Looks like a great first apartment. The apartment Forrest and I had right after we were married was about as big as your living room (but it was cheap!). :) Keep up the date nights! Especially at the temple. Love you!

  3. Awww! Thanks guys! Love you too! Will do!

  4. Thank you!! :) Let me tell ya, nailing into cinder block is near impossible. I think I ended up with 10 bent nails on the floor after putting up the collage frame. haha! I told Tyler he'd do it next time. :)
