Wednesday, February 6, 2013

10 Things You Might Not Know About Me

I saw this on a friends blog and thought I would still the idea because I liked it so much... So here it goes!  10 things you might not know about me.

1. I have 16 siblings! You see, both my parents were married once before and had already had families with them. My mom had 2 and my dad had 5. Then when my mom and dad were married, my little brother and I were in the picture. Well, sadly my parents divorced and each got remarried. My stepmom has 6 kids and my step dad has 2! 2+5+1+6+2=16 siblings! 
2. I love singing in choir, but get really embarrassed singing solo. I can do a duet if I can sing alto, but I don't think I sound very good. But I suppose I must sound OKAY since I was in Madrigals in High School.
3. I love road trips. Especially when I am with someone I could talk to for hours! I loved road trips with my dad. He would always get different flavored sunflower seeds, beef jerky and we would fill our big huge mugs full of soda. Sometimes he would throw in some chips and maybe a candy. No wonder I like road trips with my dad! haha! Just kidding! I really liked the time we had to actually get to know each other more. Even though we lived with each other while I was in high school, we didn't talk much. So I loved these opportunities. 
4. I can be really creative. If you give me a craft, I can make it look really good. I could never tell you in the beginning what I will make. It is a process and I figure it out as I go. I love seeing what I come up with! I just wish I had more materials to make stuff with! They were my favorite activities in YWs!
5. I didn't like my husband when I first met him. He was an obnoxious RM that answered every single question in Institute which drove me nuts! Stupid. I know. Turns out that knowledge that he has of the gospel is what ended up reeling me in. Go figure! ha!
6. I love sports! They come natural to me. In middle school I played basketball, volleyball and softball and loved each of them. Volleyball is my favorite, but it always started at the end of summer when I was visiting my mom while I was in high school, so I did basketball my sophomore year. I miss playing sports and being athletic. It was who I was and wish I could be that person again.  I doubt I will ever be 135lbs again, but I hope to get back to where I was when I got married. I hope to someday get back into shape and do the things really love again.
7. I love pets! When Tyler and I can build our own house, we want some land and have cats, dogs, chickens, horses, a cow...maybe some bunnies! I cannot wait to get to have my animals! Living in an apartment where they don't even allow a goldfish is depriving. At least I can get my fix at preschool...minus the spider ICK!
8. I want to learn tap dancing or clogging, latin dance, and hip hop. I would be in awesome shape if I could learn it all! My sister clogs, maybe I can get her to teach me! Kara *wink wink*
9. I didn't originally want to come to college. I just wanted to work and make money. There was not a single career I was interested in. I applied for BYUI and decided if I didn't get in there, then I wouldn't get in anywhere else. I got in!..Now what? I had to choose a major. I started out with Early Childhood Ed/Special Ed. I LOVED my classes, until it came to having to take the math courses. I couldn't do it. Now I am going to school to be a Professional Preschool Teacher! (It's a lot harder than it sounds)
10. It is REALLY important for me to have time with my friends. Tyler can definitely tell when it has been overdue for some girl time. I start getting fussy and not very motivated. Instead of coffee, I just have to call up a friend and spend some time with them to get my pick-me-up. :) SO...if you EVER want to do something, call me! I WILL drop anything to do something fun. It is a fault and a strength haha. 
Well this was fun and not easy...I'm interested in what I might not know about you! Tell me about it! Post on your blog if you so feel inclined! Thanks for taking the time to read about me! 


  1. I loved this I might try it if I do I will tag ya... I love you. Your amazing love your other mama

  2. What a great idea, Lacie! This touches my heart, and I am glad to get to know you better :-)

    Ten things you may not know about me: Part 1 (#1-5)

    1. I married my first husband on THE DAY YOU WERE BORN! In order for the date to fall on my birthday, we would have had to wait another year...

    2. I spent the year from ages 4-5 in a charming little Bavarian town, becoming fluent (as much as a pre-schooler can be) and helping my Mom keep track of my toddler brother by the bells on his shoes. When it got quiet, there was always trouble!

    3. My Dad was a German professor who supervised Semester Abroad programs for his university, so my brother and I got to come back another 3 times before we were 8 and 10, attending German Public schools in addition to our American lessons. Weekends were often adventures to museums in France, Fasching (kind of like Mardi Gras)Festival in Basel, Switzerland, a trip up the cable cars to mountain tops in the Alps, or a castle in Lichtenstein. My parents divorced when I was six and were broke; as an adult, I learned that all those trans-Atlantic flights and outings were financed by my father's surrogate father, who like you was one of 17 siblings. Onkel Jacob (pron. Yakkob) was born in 1889 and lost his only son in WWII. How I wish my father had recorded Jacob's life stories!

    4. My brother and I were latch-key kids, literally wearing a piece of yarn around our necks with the key attached from the time we were 5 and 7. I remember burning soup and melting a plastic bowl on the stove because we couldn't find the step stool during our 80-minute lunch hour (walking back and forth to school). In hindsight, we were lucky not to burn the house down.

    5. By age 14, I was itching to travel again (hadn't been anywhere but the Midwest since age 10). I made a deal with my Mom: I work and save all year, pay my way 100%, and I get to go adventure to the West coast with a friend or two. By then I had a walking / biking paper route, babysat for 6 kids every Saturday night, and worked as a library page (back when you had to stamp the due dates by hand on each line).

    Two weeks after my 15th birthday, I got a 30-day Greyhound Anywhere Pass for $299, hopped the bus with a girlfriend, waved adieu and rode a mostly sleepless 62 hours to Portland. Stayed a week, then on to Seattle, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, with our friends and relatives in each place, visited my birthplace, and headed back home.

    Part 2 to Follow...

  3. Ten things you may not know about me: Part 2 (#6-10)

    6. My sister (same Dad, different Mom) was born while I was falling in love with the West Coast. Our brother came along the following summer, and we are very close now. Sister is a SAHM with 2 babies; brother and his wife spent 2 years in the Peace Corps in Mongolia; they are finishing Law and PhD degrees this year.

    7. On my first husband's 19th birthday, I blindfolded him, put him in the car, and put him in the pilot's seat for an introductory flight lesson. The next year, he treated me to jumping out of a perfectly good airplane (though it did resemble a cardboard box, with no door) from 10,000 feet. Did I mention the parachute? ;-) lol

    8. My soul mate, aka your father-in-law, and I have never fought or been unkind to one another. When we met, Bob and I had seemingly insurmountable obstacles that would have driven most people running for the hills. Instead, we took the super sour lemons and made super sweet lemonade.

    9. Bobbie and I would love to help you and Tyler realize your dream of having a place with animals. Bob the Builder loves to create, and I love to re-home needy, abused and neglected animals (I think you knew that part already :-)). Call on us, and we'll be there!

    10. WE LOVE OUR GRANDSON! While it is a cliche, words truly cannot express how much it means to us that you are sharing Paxton's life and milestones with us. THANK YOU for your kind, loving patience that has renewed and strengthened Tyler's and his father's precious relationship.

    Bobbie will post her own list here by the end of the week. It must be a REALLY LONG one, because I am still learning fascinating things about this amazing human being whose life I have the honor of sharing!



  4. Thanks Pam! I really did not know those things! :)

  5. Here are some things you and even Tyler may not know about me.

    1. My father worked 6 days a week at many jobs. Our next door neighbor Willard Swinson was my mentor. From him I learned car repair and small electronics, we took golf lessons together and I was.his handyman for apartments he owned. Willard taught me social many social skill and he's the reason I went to college. He even paid the first 3 semesters of tution. I wish you could have met him.

    2. I was a newspaper carrier from age 11 to 18. It was a long route with 100-120 customers so I delivered 3,600 papers a month. On Sundays my father got up early and drove his 1972 green Chevy pickup truck with hand made plywood and sheet metal camper shell so that we got to church on time. In 1969 the full price for a paper was $3.50 a month. Now it's $26.00 The customers liked that I gave them a stamped addressed envelope to pay their bill. That saved a tremendous amount of time from going door to door collecting.

    3. It took me 14 years to finish college. I changed majors 6 times until I decided what I want to be when I grow up. First was art and photography, then communication media, then business, math, computer science, economics and finally CIS.

    4. I have never been outside of the US except to cross into Canada when I was a missionary in Michigan. Australia and Hawaii are on my bucket list. Australia for all the unusual animals like kola bears and kangaroos and Hawaii looks so beautiful.

    5. My first crush was on Sally in the first grade. She always wore red and pink ruffles with black patten leather shoes. She crushed me hard and never gave me the time of day :-(

    6. My first trip to Disneyland was when Brittany was 2 1/2. My sister Becky took me, Grace and Brittany. I lifted Becky in and out of every ride from her wheelchair. They let us go to the front of every line. When we went as a family to DisneyWorld, we remembered that and they put Tyler in a wheelchair for his broken foot. We got to the front of all the rides again.

    7. Moroni and I spent the summer 1977 building a house from the ground up for Bob and Pearl Carstensen. It was on the west side of Lake Cascade. We tore down the old house and built foundation with sinder block, framed and drywall.and.roofed. We slept n the back of Dad's pickup or at the Carstensen's house.

  6. 8. My favorite vacations were weeks spent as a councilor at Camp Morrison. I loved being there with Tyler and Nathan. In August 2011, I was inspired to show the camp to Pam. Everyone had left and the director was getting ready to leave. God led us to a campsite where an Order of the Arrow had left a fire burning underground by accident. It took 911 and the forest service hours to put it out. If we hadnt been tbere, Camp Morrison would have been destroyed in 6-8 hours.

